June 13, 2015

Simple Steps to Assess Obamacare’s Impact on Your Employer Health Care Strategy

The Affordable Care Act and its Employer Shared Responsibility “Play or Pay” mandate has emerged as one of the most paralyzing topics of discussion for employers […]
June 8, 2015

3 Indications Your Employee is Getting Ready to Walk

Everyone knows how disruptive it can be to lose an employee, especially unexpectedly. Add in the fact that the typical cost of employee turnover is estimated […]
May 28, 2015

Critical Timeline Considerations When Implementing Obamacare Solutions

When it comes to a software purchase, onboarding and implementation can make or break a user experience. In 2015, first-time Obamacare software adopters are learning just […]
May 22, 2015

What is Telemedicine, and is it Right for Our Organization? (Part 2)

Driven by the convergence of ever-improving technology, healthcare cost drivers, consumer preference and provider/patient convenience, telemedicine is booming business. Some readers of this post may have […]
May 15, 2015

What is Telemedicine, and is it Right for Our Organization? (Part 1)

Driven by the convergence of ever-improving technology, healthcare cost drivers, consumer preference and provider/patient convenience, telemedicine is a booming business. Some readers of this post may […]
May 8, 2015

2 Ways Employee Benefits Management Data Can Save $$

Big data was the craze for 2014, and from our experience in the employee benefits management world we can understand why. It goes without saying that […]
May 4, 2015

The 5 Most Requested Features of PPACA Software Vendors

As the late comers to the PPACA party begin to surge into the marketplace, the first bits of client demand data are beginning to trickle in. […]
April 30, 2015

How Part-time Employees Can Make You Subject to ACA IRS Reporting

Since we have continued to get a lot of questions about determining whether or not you are an employer subject to the Employer Shared-Responsibility mandate portion […]
April 24, 2015

3 Best Practices for Effective Employee Performance Reviews

If employee performance evaluations are a source of stress for you, fear not—you are not alone. There comes a time in every organization’s evolution where friendship […]