“How many?!” I said in shock. I was sitting at the table preparing to deliver a presentation to a group of School Business Officials and administrators […]
For employers processing payroll across one or more collectively bargained union contracts, maintaining an accurate payroll week-to-week can be a laborious task. With different pay rates, […]
We aim to keep our blog focused on healthcare compliance news and developing trends in health benefit products and HR technology, but once in a blue […]
The House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on May 4. So what? Taking a “we’ll make some changes, then the Senate makes […]
The demands of Human Capital Management (HCM) are rapidly expanding the roles of HR professionals beyond the traditional areas of employee welfare and compliance. Strategic HR […]
At the Capital Region Human Resource Associations 2017 One-Day Conference, nationally recognized labor attorney, John Bagyi, Esq., provided a brief overview of the draft NY Paid […]
Swapping payroll providers can be an administrative headache, but the real pain happens when the right communications fail to make it down to the employee level. […]
Yes, it’s true, the House Ways and Means Committee has released their portion of the Affordable Care Act “repeal and replace” bill. Already, this is generating […]
While a necessary accountability measure, there are few things municipalities dread more than a visit from the State Comptroller. If unprepared, a routine audit can quickly […]